Motor vehicles
In making your transition from another state to Colorado or from another Colorado county, we would like to help in making the registration of your vehicle as easy as possible.
Colorado law requires you to register your vehicles, trailers, motor homes, heavy equipment, etc. within 60 days of becoming a Colorado resident. Unfortunately, the law does not allow you to keep your out-of-state plates until they expire.
If you are currently a Colorado resident and are just moving here, you may call the Archuleta County Clerk’s office and they will help you change your registration address so you will receive a renewal notice from Archuleta County when your plates expire. You can also utilize our online services to make any changes at
Some of the most obvious reasons that, by law, constitute becoming a resident are: obtaining a Colorado driver’s license, registering to vote, enrolling children into school or becoming employed. If you are retired and consider this your legal place of residence and intend to file your federal income tax with a Pagosa Springs address as your legal address, you need Colorado plates.
To obtain Colorado license plates, you will need:
1. A current registration or title from the state you are coming from.
2. Proof of Insurance.
3. A vehicle identification verification. This is done Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-11 a.m. It will cost $20 cash or check. Parking is located behind the courthouse. You can also go to the Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday or Thursday, 8 a.m. to noon, located at 85 Harman Park Drive.
4. An acceptable form of ID.
Vehicle registration in Colorado is based on the year, weight and taxable value of the vehicle, when new. The taxable value is then depreciated according to the age of the vehicle. The office is located at 449 San Juan St., in the east side of the courthouse.
The nearest place to obtain a Colorado driver’s license is Durango, approximately 60 miles west of Pagosa Springs. The DMV is located at 329 S. Camino del Rio. You may contact their office at (970) 247-4591.
Please visit for more information. For any questions you may have, call (970) 264-8350.
Voter registration
You may register to vote or change your address online by visiting or and following the directions for Election & Voting. Should you have questions, please call (970) 264-8331 or (970) 264-8350.