Religious Resources

Ahavat Adonai Messianic Jewish Congregation (970) 946-5262
Amazing Grace Community Church (970) 444-2111
Arboles Baptist Church (970) 883-3630
Baha’i Community of Archuleta County (800) 228‑6483
Calvary Chapel Pagosa (970) 507-0123
Centerpoint Church – SBC (970) 731-2205
Church of Christ – Lewis Street (970) 264-2552
Church of Christ – Community Center (970) 264-4236
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (970) 731-2623
Community United Methodist Church (970) 264-5508
CrossRoad Christian Fellowship (970) 731-4384
Open Door Church (970) 731-5767
Grace in Pagosa (970) 731-6200
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church (970) 731-5744
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness (970) 731-5826
New Thought Center for Inspirational Living (970) 309-6067
Our Savior Lutheran Church – LCMS (970) 731-4668
Pagosa Baptist Church (970) 946-5166
Pagosa Bible Church (970) 731-3120
Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (970) 731-7900
Pope John Paul II Catholic Church (970) 731-5744
Restoration Fellowship (970) 731-2937
Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church (970) 731-5801
Seventh Day Adventist Church (970) 731-1005
Tara Mandala Buddhist Retreat Center (970) 731-3711
Trinity Anglican Church – Orthodox Anglican (970) 585-4124